This story begins about twenty years ago:
Four guys got together and said something has to be done about the financial services world. The typical firm caters to a certain net worth individual and above, or a certain income level and above leaving millions of people behind struggling to try to figure out the money game on their own. Most people are losing this game.
Like Cinderella, this new company has risen from obscurity to become what by most standards is a key player in a dying industry. In just short of two decades four guys transformed a simple idea into an organization that stretches throughout the fifty United States, into Canada, as well as into China. Backed by Aegon, a financial powerhouse from the Netherlands, WFG has been solving everyday challenges average Americans are facing.
People are living paycheck to paycheck, above and beyond their means, they are up to their ears in debt, they have no money in savings, and are far from prepared to handle most of the financial adversities life will throw at them. On top of that Americans are living quiet lives of desperation. They are clueless about retirement, and sadly many are just six months away from bankruptcy. A loss of a job, health, or a family breadwinner could devastate a family. This isn't what America should look like.
The associates of WFG have resolved to make a dramatic change in the status-quot. A strong determination to teach the principles of true financial independence coupled by a unique opportunity to educate the masses about the simple yet overlooked rules of money sets WFG apart. The mission is to LEAVE NO FAMILY BEHIND, and restore the confidence that millions of Americans have let dissolve through the years. The goal is turning everyday dreams into reality.
As new associates have discovered a growing business and an unique opportunity to help themselves and the people they love and care about the most, ordinary men an women are becoming saviors among the struggling by joining an army dedicated to financial education. Members from all walks of life are compensated through a simple, yet profound system that offers full-time and part-time positions while allowing this army to live the lifestyle of their choice. WFG continues to grow and is seeking qualified individuals to help make a difference and bring this country back to its rightful place as a shining beacon on top of a foggy hill.
For more information contact the author of this story!
Welcome! Entrepreneurs wanted! Free advice, ideas, tricks of the trade, or industry secrets; from business owners to business owners or anyone desiring to generate income by his/her own merit. Those who know that staying busy can turn little money into large money!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Stop Killing Your Business!

1) Thinking everything needs to be understood before doing anything: Procrastination comes in many forms, but in business its a killer. "To think too long about a thing often becomes its undoing" as phrased by Eva Young is a reality when an entrepreneur over analyzes, over researches, or second guesses a decision to move forward. Any growth requires learning, trial and error, and the need to enhance the knowledge of things previously known. There is no way a business owner could be an expert in everything that is needed for that business, or else the business would already be in maturity. Truthfully, when a concept must be learned, it must be mastered, but its better to continue building and discover what needs to be learned along the way than to halt the movement and stop the growth entirely because a concept is not know yet. This is why the consulting industry exists. It may be better to hire an expert rather than waiting to be one first.
2) Getting Creative or not following the System: As Michael Gerber succinctly wrote in the E-myth Revisited; a majority of entrepreneurs start as technicians who find themselves in the role of business owner without the knowledge or skills to successfully run a business. Franchises have an order of operation, multilevel marketing companies have manuals to follow for success, and a good business owner should have a mentor. Creativity is great in marketing, or in solving a problem for a customer, but when it comes to building, growing, and daily operation. Follow the guidelines of those people who have been there before you. This will make things work easier ten-fold.
3) You're in the wrong market: This one seems a little too easy. The reality is though that most business plans do not correctly identify a specific niche that will drive business. If you find yourself in the position of Shelly from Glengary Glen Ross and think your leads are weak, then either you are not a good enough salesman, or maybe you need new leads from the proper market that will buy from your business. Find who wants what you got and not the ones who don't.
4) Spending time studying products: A financial services manager once told his entire staff to stop learning about how an annuity worked, or how many different variables there are in the new unit investment trust and just get out and find people to buy them. His point was not to have his staff be unable to explain the products to a client, but rather to just find clients in the first place. This same thing holds true for any industry. A retail shop owner doesn't need to know how every product works in the store, and the owner of a pizza restaurant will not memorize every ingredient on every food item in the place. A few specialists in these areas are great to have as staff or employees, but the business owner should not be worried about this stuff. The focus is on building and growing, not the intricate details. Its better to say "I don't know the answer but will find out" than to try and learn it from the get go and not be seeking the customer.
5) Miss Big Events Sales drive any business, and sales people need to be motivated. While every person is motivated by different things, the opportunity to hear successful speakers, or motivational instructors should not be missed. Big events can also be opportunities to network, or develop strong relationships with partners and clients. A game of golf, sporting event, or dinner meeting is a great example to build rapport and sure way to increase your portfolio.
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