Thursday, August 9, 2012

The new horizon.

Chances are if you are reading this post, or have watched the video, then you know exactly why and how Social Media is going to be the new norm in marketing. The video is self explanatory, and factual. If a business is not on social media, then that business is dying soon. 

More people are using Facebook, Twitter, You Tube,  and LinkedIn than ever before and the dinosaur ways of advertising are going extinct. There are of course a million other sources of social media, but if a company is not properly using at least one or two of these then they are ignoring a huge market potential.

Another source is Text Message Marketing. As people are purchasing smart-phones, I-phones, or Androids, the world is recognizing the impact of texting. People seem to no longer want to just call a person, they want to text. Now companies can advertise simply by sending out a mass-text message to all its customers at one time for a simple promotion. Business cards are also disappearing as electronic cards are now becoming popular.

Overall, a company must have a blog, a website, or some kind of electronic media outlet in order to compete in what can simply defined as a new horizon.

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