The most profound wisdom for business is given in scripture; Proverbs 29:18 "where there is no vision, the people perish...". Critics may be skeptical of the truth in scripture, but the words written are no doubt plausible. Every job, business, personal development group, inspirational book, religion, or organization asks themselves this same question: why do we do the things we do? Some have the answer, and sadly some don't.
There are thousands of lectures, blogs, articles, stories, books, and motivational speakers on the subject; this another article may simply repeat what has been said over a million times. Nonetheless the secret to any endeavor is finding the real meaning behind these words. According to Miriam Webster: Dream- something that fully satisfies a wish. Vision- a thought, concept, or object formed by imagination. Mission- a pre-established and often self-imposed objective. Goal- the end toward which effort is directed. Purpose-something set up as an object or end to be obtained.
If these definitions were actually used nobody would be inspired by the boring rhetoric they provide. But each word in itself creates a myriad of possibilities. We are told as little children to dream big, our dreams may come to fruition. The company we work for may have a Vision or Mission Statement-hopefully one that is clearly defined and inspires or motivates the employees to do their best, or sets the company apart from the competition. Our boss wants us to set goals-most likely some kind of accountability or quota to meet. We define ourselves by having a purpose, or some reason that we do what we do. The most important question still remains. Why? What is the most compelling reason to face the challenges, resentment, obstructions, critiques, and failures each of us will face? What is the real reason we as entrepreneurs desire to start a business? Is it money? Is it family? Is it freedom? Without knowing this our business will die just as surely as the ancient scriptures taught the people of the Old Testament.
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