Many people want to be entrepreneurs, but few actually make it. Making the transition from Employee to Entrepreneur often takes blood, sweat, and tears, along with time, money, etc. Very often it will be a while before a profit is realized and the investing equity is returned. The saying Sweat Equity is common among business owners and often describes the paid up front expense needed to get started. All too often, however the entrepreneur really doesn't have what it takes to succeed. Much can be said regarding the personality of an entrepreneur but here is a simple way to see for yourself if you fit the mold. It is the SWEAT method.
S) Sales- Are you a salesman? Do you have what it takes to continuously prospect, set appointments, get rejected, close the deal, and start from scratch every day? Sales in reality are made everywhere. Are you married? Do you have a job? Have you ever convinced or influenced anyone to take an action? If so, then you are a salesman. Can you see a career opportunity here?
W) Wealth motivated- Most entrepreneurs crave financial independence. The freedom to do whatever you want because money is no object drives a person to go to the highest extremes and face any challenge.
E) Enthusiastic- Can you find the energy to continue moving forward even against all odds? Are you the most energetic person in the room at all times? Is it easy to pick yourself up after a fall? Positivity is not only attractive, it is also contagious. Attitude is everything in business.
A) Ambitious- Do you feel a need to succeed? Are you always looking for that next opportunity? Do you like to meet new people, try new things, and set big goals. Ambitious people become leaders because followers need direction and a person to guide them towards a common objective.
T) Teacher- When the teacher is ready the students will come. People who like to explain, mentor, inform, or educate others make great entrepreneurs. People love to learn about new things, so why not capitalize on it?
Any one of these traits will make a good entrepreneur; having more than one magnifies the success factor. A secret to building a profitable business is to also look for those who SWEAT and add them to your team. Then the only other ingredients are blood and tears, and a great business plan!
Great article! Very informative...encouraging with a boost of reality! Thank you!